Sunday 14 April 2024

Administrative Punishments To Impose Silence

 Let me emphasize a critical point from the early stages of my article; I am not interested in the political debate focused on who is right and who is wrong in the conflict pitting Palestinians against The State of Israel. My key concern is “Freedom of Expression/Speech”, and how administrators destroy lives and careers simply because professionals under their jurisdiction voice a politically questionable opinion, or the opinion is voiced in an unrefined crude way, basically calling a spade A SPADE.

To the reader let me clarify also that the stories I will be detailing did not unfold in the “Totalitarian Regime” of North Korea, nor did it happen in the old days of The Soviet Union, when criticizing the Communist Party unavoidably condemned the citizen for a lengthy stay in one the infamous Gulags of The USSR.

The tragedy I call a betrayal of a Canadian citizen’s fundamental right of “Freedom of Speech” was made in Canada, and right under the nose of millions of Canadians who sat in the margins and with their indifference and silence allowed evil to triumph.

“The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”
[Edmund Burke]

Now let me move into specifics;

a) Dr. Yipeng Ge,"...suspended from his medical residency at the University of Ottawa after posting pro-Palestinian messages on social media that were also critical of Israel."

b) Dr. Ben Thomson, a nephrologist at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, was suspended from his job, multiple threats were registered on his voice mail system, and his residence's address was shared online to intimidate him and compel him to put an end to his pro-Palestinian views posted on multiple social media platforms.

Not a single Federal or Provincial Official  dared to argue that doctors should be suspended only for professional misconduct causing harm to patients, not for expressing political views that may offend a small segment of the Canadian population. Federal and Provincial officials, with brains on a "Selective Amnesia" mode, forgot the following critical warning of The Supreme Court of Canada:"..the very lifeblood of democracy is the free exchange of ideas and opinions...Government overreach, censorship, and suppression are dangerous to democracy and to human rights." The overreach of hospital administrators and their obsessive quest to silence dissenting doctors, so far did not alarm anyone and the erosion of basic freedoms are alive and blossoming in Canada.

Contrast the “Pro-Palestinian” views expressed by the two doctors, and the punishments inflicted by the administrators of the two hospitals, to the heinous crimes committed by Anesthesiologist Dr. George Doodnaught, who committed a long list of sexual assaults of patients under his direct care while in “The Recovery Room”.

21 patients were sexually assaulted and/or molested (tip of the iceberg only). Multiple complaints were filed. Nothing significant was done, especially by the head of the Department of Anesthesiology, who knew before any other high ranking hospital administrator about the criminal conduct of Dr. George Doodnaught. “The hospital’s chief of anesthesiology was aware of the complaints but the senior hospital administration only learned of them after the 2010 complaint was made.” It took three more years of suffering and humiliating sexual abuses to finally involve the Police and arrest Dr. Doodnaught in 2013.  

Hospital administrators, Condo management administrators, or any other type of administration inclined to hide unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior should be denounced and condemned. And the most important tool we need to fight unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior is “Freedom of Expression”. Evil will reign supreme if we don’t fight any administration intent on destroying our “Inalienable Right” to exercise freedom of expression/speech.

For those who are not familiar with the legal concept known as “Inalienable Rights", the following is a good definition that could be relied upon to understand the set of rights that cannot be revoked with the stroke of a pen, or an administrative decree:

"Personal rights held by an individual which are not bestowed by law, custom, ..., and which cannot be taken or given away, or transferred to another person, are referred to as “inalienable rights.” 

$45K Bloomington Settlement Bound By Gag Order - Legal Reader

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